Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Call of Cthulhu

Hello readers!

Today was a fairly long day at university. Swedish university days aren't typically very long, as the focus in some subjects lie heavily on self-study. This includes informatics which I'm taking. Today we ended up having some quite interesting discussions on Information System Development (ISD) methods. Are they any good or not? Formalized methods seem to have seen their glory days.

I'm looking forward to this friday because our roleplaying group is having one of its very sporadic sessions - at last!

I've been playing Call of Cthulhu - Dark Corners of the Earth on the PC a lot recently. They've really managed to capture a sense of dread and horror in that game, so I wanted to try the tabletop version out. Luckily a friend of mine has been dying to storytell an adventure or two of it, so that is probably what this friday has in store. I've told him though I expect the same scares as I get in the pc game though, just so he knows the pressure is on.

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